Stroke of Luck for Joe Perdew

To Joe Perdew’s surprise, he was led to the conference room for an immediate interview after he dropped off his resume. By a stroke of luck, there happened to be a different candidate interview at that time with a similar first and last name.  The mix-up was in our favor; Joe Perdew was hired!  Right before Joe entered the building that day his friend had consoled him over the phone on his enduring  job search: “When it’s meant to be it will  come.” We couldn’t have put it better ourselves! Welcome to the team, Joe!

TIPS Tilt-up Training

HC Company’s training and development programs in action: Cameron Murphy and Wes Watts provided job site quality control training on TIPS Tilt-up Panels. They reviewed the pick plan, pour plan, and how to verify bar dimensions and placement. The team was able to see what the panels look like before they are tilted.